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Yousef Abbas

ملتقى العود العالمي 2021



السيرة الذاتية

Yousef Abbas was born in Babylon in 1994, currently working as a professor of music at the Academy of Arts, Represented Iraq in several international festivals as musician, composer and researcher. He began learning Oud at the age of 11, then moving to Egypt to continue studies at the Oud House where he graduated with honors going on to himself supervising the teaching hence facilitating the graduation of 12 students from the Arab Oud House. Abbas has led and participated in concerts with the Oud House Orchestra, founding his band under the title Contemporary Music Project (Yousef Abbas). He has won many prizes and international awards as well as winning first place in the Qartaj festival and got also the first place in music competition for composing and playing music of all Egyptian musical institutes and schools, also got the Munir Bashir Medal for playing Oud in 2009.. Abbas has presented much musical research and workshops on the Oud. His first album “Babylon Strings" and has gone on to compose concertos with orchestras including many Arabic songs as well as soundtracks for "Green Oud" "All Roads Lead to Rome“

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للإطلاع على جميع المشاركين


تجمع تشكيلة هذا العام بين أكثر من 37 فنانًا معروفًا من جميع أنحاء العالم إلى غرفة المعيشة الخاصة بك ...

للإطلاع على برنامج الملتقى 2021


تجمع تشكيلة هذا العام بين أكثر من 37 فنانًا معروفًا من جميع أنحاء العالم إلى غرفة المعيشة الخاصة بك ...




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ملتقى العود العالمي ٢٠٢١ - جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة

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